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Saturday, 25 February 2012

CpGP Dynamics – The Dynamics of CpG Island and Promoter to Validate Nucleosomal Gene Expression

S. Prasanth Kumar
Department of Bioinformatics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi- 630003, India.

Computational prediction of nucleosome positioning relies upon in vitro and in vivo experimental outcome such as sequence positioning and exclusion signatures, structural thermodynamic details, histone-DNA interaction models, etc. On the other hand, CpG island and promoter prediction programs are available which depends upon the algorithm built by the predictive power of trained experimental datasets from sequencing projects. “CpGP dynamics –The dynamics of CpG island and promoter to validate nucleosomal gene expression” is a web based program which predicts the nucleosome- positioning (NP) and exclusion (NE) signatures in the user provided nucleotide sequence and presents a graphical output. It also utilizes the sequence positions of CpG island and promoter predicted by third-party programs as input to generate graphical sequence output. These two graphical outputs can be merged to discriminate the more accurate sequence positions of CpG island and promoter from a number of likelihood predictions. The program is freely accessible at 

Keywords: Nucleosome Positioning and Exclusion, CpG island, Promoter, Bioinformatics.

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Friday, 10 February 2012