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Friday 29 June 2012

Exploring the polymerase activity of chikungunya viral non structural protein 4 (nsP4) using molecular modeling, epharmacophore and docking studies

S. Prasanth Kumar, Ravi G. Kapopara, Mehul I. Patni, Himanshu A. Pandya, Yogesh T. Jasrai and Saumya K. Patel. Exploring the Polymerase Activity of Chikungunya Viral non structural Protein 4 (nsP4) using Molecular Modeling, e-Pharmacophore and Docking Studies.International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Sciences 3(6): 1752-1765.


Chikungunya viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity is conferred by non structural protein 4
(nsp4), an important protein target towards the development of antiviral compounds. The present study deals about the development of homology model of nsP4 followed by molecular docking with known RdRp inhibitors
experimented in Hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV-1, Paramyxovirus, etc. The predicted catalytic site and two allosteric binding sites were docked with nucleosidic and non-nucleosidic inhibitors. The best top five scoring ligands were selected based upon the interaction profiles and a common pharmacophore was developed. Further, RNA templateprimer complex was docked within the template tunnel of modeled nsP4 to study the mode of polymerase activity.

Key-Words: Chikungunya, nsP4, RdRp, Docking, Pharmacophore, Polymerase activity

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Thursday 21 June 2012

My published results now in APBS homepage in Graphical format


I am very pleased to disclose that my published results in graphical format has been uploaded by Dr. Nathan Baker in his APBS homepage. Thank You Very Much, Sir.